Christina Lauren

Romance Fiction Young Adult

3.9/5 (3,449,277 ratings)
Christina Lauren is the combined pen name of long-time writing partners/best friends Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings. The coauthor duo writes both Young Adult and Adult Fiction, and together has produced nineteen New York Times bestselling novels. Their books have been translated into 30+ languages.

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Christina Lauren

Romance Fiction Young Adult

3.9/5 (3,449,277 ratings)
Christina Lauren is the combined pen name of long-time writing partners/best friends Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings. The coauthor duo writes both Young Adult and Adult Fiction, and together has produced nineteen New York Times bestselling novels. Their books have been translated into 30+ languages.

We don't respond to private messages here, so please contact us via twitter or our site. Thank you!!

Books from Christina Lauren